Monday, June 15, 2009


While interviewing my supervisor I learned a lot not only about the company, but how I should act and work to be involved effectively through my company.  One thing that I think is very important is learning how to work in a way that your supervisor appreciates.  I asked her if she was comfortable delegating tasks for me or how the best way to get work is.  She said that if she is not too busy I can always ask her and that way she knows that I am ready for a new task and can take some work off of her shoulders.  I think that this is a very effective question in the work place because I often find myself wondering what I should do next.  From this I know that as long as I am courteous I can ask her any questions that I have.

            From this assignment I also learned other great ideas and things to keep in mind while working under my supervisor.  Especially what kind of work updates that she would like and what I should expect from her.  I learned that she is all about keeping a positive attitude through working in and out of the office.  I felt that this assignment was very helpful in getting me comfortable with the company and will only help me move forward in the future.  Somer, my supervisor, has big goals for me to find new clients and ideas and this is what I hope to do.

            While taking this interview and applying the skills to my position I hope to grow to new levels.  I have now taken the opportunity to start looking into new clients and businesses coming to the valley.  I also have started contacting businesses that may not be doing so well, and trying to create a package to improve their company.  I have been informed that the summer is a slow business time in Arizona, and the bad economy is also not helping.  Right now I am going to continue with this goal and see what new ideas I can bring to Steve LeVine Entertainment.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear you gained so much from interviewing your supervisor!
